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What are "IPs" and Why Are They Crucial for Your Business?

Anina Groh
Written by
Anina Groh

Technological and digital developments often stand out as some of a company's most valuable assets. These assets, commonly known as intellectual property rights (IP), play a pivotal role in the international business landscape.

In this blog post, I'll provide you with a brief overview of how IPs can influence your business and why they are paramount.

Key Message: IPs, especially in the technology sector, are of central importance for businesses. A well-defined and clear strategy is indispensable to secure the rights and innovations that drive your company's success.


1. What are IPs?

"Intellectual Property" or IP encompasses, in simplified terms, anything created from intellectual endeavors – from literary works to inventions, trademarks, company logos, and trade secrets. Despite their intangibility, these rights can hold immense value, comparable to physical assets.

2. Why are IPs important?

With the ongoing digitization and technological innovations, IPs are increasingly in focus. They often constitute the most valuable asset of a company. Therefore, it is essential to adequately protect your company's IPs and clearly secure them in contracts. This is particularly crucial for tech companies.

3. How to protect IPs?

IP protection can be complex due to the non-physical nature of the assets. Ensuring ownership of essential IPs within your company can be achieved through clear provisions in employment contracts and agreements with business partners, contract developers, etc. Protection is also achieved through registration, as in the case of patents, or through creation and proper documentation, as with software.

4. Strategic Planning

A long-term IP strategy is crucial for success in the technology sector. Early protection and a wise strategy can have forward-thinking impacts. Analyze early and regularly which IPs are significant for your company and implement the necessary protective measures.

5. Territorial Principle

IP rights are territorially regulated and must be protected separately in each country, with international agreements ensuring certain standards. Especially with patents, this incurs significant costs, a factor to consider in strategic planning.

Link to YouTube Video on the Topic: Was sind IPs & wie wichtig sind sie für dein Unternehmen? - Intellectual Property kurz erklärt! - YouTube

Technological and digital developments often stand out as some of a company's most valuable assets. These assets, commonly known as intellectual property rights (IP), play a pivotal role in the international business landscape.