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Decentralized justice – the future of dispute resolution for Web 3.0

Nino Sieve
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Nino Sieve

Decentralized justice is a new approach to dispute resolution that combines blockchain, crowdsourcing and game theory in order to produce resolution systems which are radically more efficient than existing methods.

In essence, it is an automated procedure by which a randomly selected jury will decide on a dispute. The most popular decentralized justice protocol is currently Kleros. Already more than 1’300 disputes have been resolved using Kleros.

This begs the question will decentralized justice be the dispute resolution method of the future. Will it dominate dispute resolution in Web 3.0? Or might it even spread further?

Our partner, Nino Sievi, has discussed these questions in a podcast (#Zukunft) together with other lawyers. You can access a recording (in German) here: LINK.

Decentralized justice is a new approach to dispute resolution that combines blockchain, crowdsourcing and game theory in order to produce resolution systems which are radically more efficient than existing methods.